I thought about making a different mache doll and had the good idea to change the focus to the wall! This is the first doll I do to be hung. I liked the result so much that I`ll start making others very soon.
Paper Art

24 de fevereiro de 2014
Meu Jardim - My Garden
Queria fazer uma peça de maché diferente e tive a boa idéia de mudar o foco pra parede! Essa é a primeira bonequinha que faço pra ser pendurada. Gostei tanto do resultado que já vou começar a fazer outras.
I thought about making a different mache doll and had the good idea to change the focus to the wall! This is the first doll I do to be hung. I liked the result so much that I`ll start making others very soon.
I thought about making a different mache doll and had the good idea to change the focus to the wall! This is the first doll I do to be hung. I liked the result so much that I`ll start making others very soon.
20 de fevereiro de 2014
Novos trabalhos - New work
Tenho andado bem ocupada nos últimos dias. Comecei a fazer várias bonecas novas ao mesmo tempo. Tenho trabalhado bastante à noite, depois que chego em casa do trabalho. Também aproveito os finais de semana, mas um pouco menos. Afinal, tenho que dar atenção ao marido e aos filhos!
Minhas peças de maché são como filhos pra mim também. No momento em que começo uma, quero logo vê-la nascer! Bem, coloco aqui algumas fotos do que ando inventando. Em breve, postarei fotos de todas elas terminadas. Até breve!
I've been pretty busy the last few days. I started making several new dolls at the same time. I have worked very evening after I get home from work. I also take the weekends, but a little less. After all, I have to give attention to my husband and children!
My mache pieces are like children to me too. The moment I start one, I just want to see its birth! Well, I put here some photos of what I've been making. Soon, I'll post photos of them all finished. See you soon!
Minhas peças de maché são como filhos pra mim também. No momento em que começo uma, quero logo vê-la nascer! Bem, coloco aqui algumas fotos do que ando inventando. Em breve, postarei fotos de todas elas terminadas. Até breve!
I've been pretty busy the last few days. I started making several new dolls at the same time. I have worked very evening after I get home from work. I also take the weekends, but a little less. After all, I have to give attention to my husband and children!
My mache pieces are like children to me too. The moment I start one, I just want to see its birth! Well, I put here some photos of what I've been making. Soon, I'll post photos of them all finished. See you soon!
18 de fevereiro de 2014
Rio de Janeiro
Neste último fim de semana estive na minha cidade natal, o Rio de Janeiro! Aaahhh, quanta felicidade! Me senti uma turista indo visitar o Corcovado e me esbaldando nas areias de Copacabana. Fiz questão disso, pra que meus filhos, típicos curitibanos (até no sotaque) pudessem conhecer e se encantar com a cidade maravilhosa. Revi amigos (nem todos, não deu tempo!) e matei muitas saudades! Me hospedei com minha querida amiga Marcia Aquino, amiga dos tempos de escola e companheira de viagens. Como seu aniversário foi no último dia 01 de fevereiro, levei de presente pra ela uma mini Marcia de papel mache. Com seu jeitinho de vestir e sua mesma paixão por lojas de maquiagens!
This last weekend I visited my hometown, Rio de Janeiro! Aaahhh, how much happiness! I felt like a tourist going to Corcovado and having fun on the sands of Copacabana. I wanted that my children, typical "curitibanos" (even the accent) could see and be enchanted by the wonderful city. I met friends (not them all, there wasn´t much time!) and relived many memories! I stayed at my dear friend Marcia Aquino´s house. She´s my friend from school days and also travel companion. As it was her birthday last February 1st, I took her a mini paper mache Marcia doll. With her knack of dressing and her same passion for make up stores!
This last weekend I visited my hometown, Rio de Janeiro! Aaahhh, how much happiness! I felt like a tourist going to Corcovado and having fun on the sands of Copacabana. I wanted that my children, typical "curitibanos" (even the accent) could see and be enchanted by the wonderful city. I met friends (not them all, there wasn´t much time!) and relived many memories! I stayed at my dear friend Marcia Aquino´s house. She´s my friend from school days and also travel companion. As it was her birthday last February 1st, I took her a mini paper mache Marcia doll. With her knack of dressing and her same passion for make up stores!
Um visitante do Recife - A visitor from Recife
Na semana passada, tive o prazer de receber em minha casa para um almoço, meu amigo Luciano Guimarães, mosaicista do Recife. Ele veio a Curitiba para um curso de muralismo com a talentosa Patricia Ono, mestra em mosaicos. Ele visitou meu atelier e de presente levou um de meus gatinhos. Obrigada pela visita, Luciano e volte em breve!
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting at my home for a lunch, my friend Luciano Guimarães, mosaicist from Recife. He came to Curitiba for a course of murals with the talented Patricia Ono, master of mosaics. He visited my studio and I gave him as a gift one of my kittens. Thanks for your visit, Luciano and come back soon!
Last week I had the pleasure of hosting at my home for a lunch, my friend Luciano Guimarães, mosaicist from Recife. He came to Curitiba for a course of murals with the talented Patricia Ono, master of mosaics. He visited my studio and I gave him as a gift one of my kittens. Thanks for your visit, Luciano and come back soon!
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