Minha grande incentivadora, ela sempre me faz encomendas! Dessa vez, duas de minhas bonecas foram adquiridas por ela e ainda tenho outras três pra fazer a pedido seu. Bem, mãos à obra e muito obrigada, querida Vê!
I´d like to introduce you my good friend Verônica Fukuda. She´s the person who taught me the art of paper mache. Veronica besides an art teacher, is also an artist and creates beautiful pets with this technique. She has a very cool blog, Papier Maché, where she shows the work of other artists as well as hers.
My great motivator, she always asks for commissions! This time, two of my dolls were acquired by her and I still have three more to make by her request. Well, let´s work and thank you, dear Ve!