Há algum tempo, conheci pelo Face uma moça gaúcha muito simpática que pinta lindos quadros. Seu nome é Andrea Pandolfi e me encantei com suas pinturas! Além de pintar, ela também faz esculturas em terracota e papel mache e restauro de estátuas antigas deterioradas pelo tempo. É uma artista realmente muito talentosa! Em breve vou receber um quadro meu pintado por ela. Não vejo a hora! Vou ficar super orgulhosa e correr pra postar a foto aqui no blog, aguardem!
Andrea me pediu uma bonequinha e aqui estão algumas fotos dela com sua nova amiga: Joaninha.
Internet is fantastic for knowing and connecting to people who have the same tastes and interests as you. Facebook has been an amazing tool for me. I have made contact with artists from Brazil and the world who work with paper mache, painting and sculpture. The world is small and everything is close when we are online!
Some time ago, I met on Facebook a girl from the State of Rio Grande do Sul who paints beautiful canvas. Her name is Andrea Pandolfi and I was charmed by her paintings! Besides painting, she also makes sculpting in clay and paper mache and restoration of old statues damaged by time. She is really a talented artist! I will soon receive a portrait of myself made by her. I cannot wait! I'll be super proud and I´ll run to post the photo here on the blog, stay tuned!
Andrea asked me a little doll and here are some pictures of her with her new friend: Ladybug.
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Minha amiga, a artista Andrea Pandolfi e sua bonequinha em maché. My friend, artist Andrea Pandolfi and her new paper mache doll. |